How to Fix a 504 Gateway Timeout Error?

 Try refreshing the page or resolving any internet issues.

An HTTP status code known as 504 Gateway Timeout indicates that a server was attempting to load a webpage or fulfill a browser request when it did not receive a timely response from another server. Put differently, 504 errors typically mean that there is a delay in communication between the website displaying the notice and a remote computer that it depends on.

Do You Manage the Website? For some considerations on your end, see the part further down the page titled Fixing 504 Errors on Your Own Site.

The issue is most likely not with your computer, device, or internet connection since this error typically occurs as a result of a network mistake between servers on the internet or a problem with an actual server.

Nevertheless, you can attempt the following few things, just in case:

How to Resolve the Error 504 Gateway Timeout

1. attempt the URL from the address bar once more, or use the refresh/reload button, F5, or other methods to attempt the webpage again.

It may only be a temporary issue, even though the 504 Gateway Timeout error is claiming an error that is beyond your control.

2. Give every network device a restart. The 504 Gateway Timeout error you're experiencing could be the result of transient issues with your modem, router, switches, or other networking devices. Restarting these gadgets might be helpful.

3. Verify that the proxy server settings in your program or browser are accurate. 504 problems might be caused by incorrect proxy settings.

Since most PCs have no proxy settings at all, you can skip this step if yours are empty.

Advice: Check out for a reliable, up-to-date list of proxy servers from which to select.

4. Modify your DNS servers, particularly if the same error is being displayed on all of the devices on your network. It's probable that a problem with the DNS servers you're using is the reason behind the 504 Gateway Timeout error you're experiencing.

Note: The DNS servers you now have configured are most likely the ones your ISP automatically assigned to you, unless you have modified them earlier. There are more options available for selection. For possibilities, view our list of Free & Public DNS Servers.

5. Get in touch with the website. If website administrators are aware of the issue, they might already be trying to resolve its core cause, but there's no harm in getting in touch with them.

The majority of well-known websites employ social media profiles to bolster their service offerings, and some even feature email addresses and phone lines.

6. Speak with your internet provider. After doing all of the aforementioned troubleshooting, it's quite likely that the 504 Gateway Timeout you're experiencing is a result of a network issue that your ISP is handling.

7.Return later. Now that you've tried everything, the website or your ISP can either fix the 504 Gateway Timeout problem or let you know. Return to the website frequently. Without a doubt, it will shortly resume functioning.

504 Error Repair for Your Own Website

Most of the time, you are not at all at blame for this, but neither is the user. To begin with, make sure your server is able to correctly resolve every domain that your applications need to access.

Even while a 503 error would likely be a little more accurate, extremely high traffic volumes could cause your server to serve a 504 error.

Corrupted databases can occasionally be the cause of 504: Gateway Timeout warnings in WordPress particularly. After installing WP-DBManager, try the "Repair DB" and "Optimize DB" features to see if it resolves the issue.

Additionally, check that your HTACCESS file is accurate, particularly if you have reinstalled WordPress.

And lastly, think about getting in touch with your host. It's likely that they have a problem that needs to be fixed on their end as the reason why your website is giving a 504 error.

How a User Might Interpret the 504 Error

Any operating system, device, or internet browser may encounter a 504 Gateway Timeout problem. Although "gateway timeout" errors on websites can be customized, the following are the most typical ways that one can appear:

  • 504 Error 504 Gateway Timeout HTTP 504
  • Timeout for the Gateway (504)
  • HTTP Error 504: Gateway Timeout Occurs Due to Gateway Timeout

Similar to how regular web pages appear, a 504 Gateway Timeout error appears inside the internet browser window. The website may display its standard headers and footers along with a polite, English message, or it may appear as an all-white page with a large 504 at the top. Regardless of how the webpage chooses to display it, the content is always the same.

Additional Windows Ways to See a 504 Error

When Windows Update encounters a Gateway Timeout issue, it produces the error code 0x80244023 or the message WU_E_PT_HTTP_STATUS_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT.

Programs built on Windows that use the internet by default may encounter a 504 error that appears as a little dialog box or window containing the HTTP_STATUS_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT error and/or with a In order to wait for a gateway message, the request timed out.

Gateway Time-out is a less frequent 504 error that occurs when the proxy server does not receive a timely response from the upstream server. The troubleshooting steps mentioned above apply in this case as well.

Additional Faults Such as the 504 Gateway Timeout

Because they are all server-side errors, several error messages resemble the 504 Gateway Timeout error. The 502 Bad Gateway error, the 503 Service Unavailable error, and the 500 Internal Server error are a few examples.

Additionally, there are HTTP status codes that are client-side rather than server-side, such as the frequently encountered 404 Not Found error. There are also a number of others, which you may view on our HTTP Status Code Errors page.


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