What is version control?

A system called version control, or VCS for short, keeps track of modifications made to software code over time. It makes it possible for engineers to work together effectively, maintain various code versions, and roll back to earlier iterations as needed. Consider it your code's time machine. What Makes Version Control Crucial? 1. Cooperation: Multiple Developers: Without erasing one another's work, multiple developers can work on the same project at the same time. Version control systems facilitate a seamless cooperation process by assisting in the identification and resolution of disagreements. 2. Monitoring Modifications: https://logikmemorial.ca/forum/index.php?topic=375330.0 https://logikmemorial.ca/forum/index.php?topic=375331.0 https://logikmemorial.ca/forum/index.php?topic=375333.0 History: The project's whole history is created by documenting each modification made to the code. Rollback: Developers can quickly go back to a previous functional ver...